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November 15, 2011
November 15, 2011

Ron Thompson, David Caporello, Tom Lynch, Paul Richards and John Vieira from the PCC were in attendance

John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

The minutes for the October 18, 2011 meeting were tabled until the December meeting.


Walter Mulligan (DCR site engineer for the Wachusett Mountain Road project) appeared to discuss the erosion situation at Administration Road in light of the recent Con Com site visit (near end of October) to view the aftermath of hurricane Irene.
A prolonged discussion ensued pointing up the Commission’s frustration that little, if anything, had been done to improve the road condition since the field trip.
The Commission emphasized the fact that it was up to DCR and it’s consultant (and not the Commission) to prescribe both a temporary (this winter) and permanent solutions to retarding erosion along that roadway.
The end result of the protracted discussion was the following plan of action.

  • Dave Caporello would visit Administration Road, mark locations on the site where erosion controls need repair or where other measures may be necessary to correct erosion and sedimentation problems.  Based on his visit he would prepare a checklist itemizing the areas of concern for discussion with DCR and their consultant.  Prior to submitting the checklist to DCR Dave will make it available to members of the Commission. .
  • Walter Mulligan would set up a meeting for the week of Nov 21 with Stantec (including both a wetlands expert and Bill Mertz, PE)
  • Stantec will propose a temporary solution to minimize winter erosion along Administration Road.
  • DCR will implement the agreed-to solution ASAP.
  • DCR and Stantec will appear before the Commission at its December 20th meeting to begin discussions of the permanent plan for the road including a discussion of the existing NOI/Order plan.

Paul Richards discussed progress that he and Dave Getman have made with regard to developing a white paper regarding heavy stormwater runoff carrying sediment into resource areas.  There is no commitment to a policy at this time.  Paul has emailed both Rutland and Hubbardston Commissions to engage them in discussing if and how they deal with this issue.  Dave and Paul will meet with a Hubbardston representative after Thanksgiving.  No response yet from Rutland.
Dave Getman is preparing an ArcView GIS map of Princeton showing outfalls and resource areas.  It will be shared with the Commission at the December meeting.

Dave Caporello will continue to research the language of the Hayfields Agreement so that monies collected by the Town are used for conservation-related purposes.

Tom Lynch reported that the new roadway construction on the mountain held up well through Hurricane Irene.  EJ Perkins will be onsite next year through June to complete environmental loose-ends


It was noted that the Commission should explore the possibility of having a petty cash account to pay for very minor out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Commissioners, some of which are never reimbursed due to the protracted paperwork/payment process.


The following were given to Tom Lynch

Gregory Hill Road, Princeton owned by David Hall, prepared by Joe Smith for the cutting of 6.5 acres.

Mirick Road, Princeton owned by Edwin Carlson and Kathleen Sweeney for the cutting of 46+/- acres.

Mirick Road, Princeton owned by Jennifer Dexter for the cutting of 12.5 acres.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:07 pm.